Saturday, January 15, 2011

There goes week 1.

Since the pool will be closed for the polo competition, i can't go swimming this weekend. So i went jogging this morning. After coming back all sweaty i did my laundry and planned to bath while i wait for the laundry to be done. And i realised.. my towel is in the laundry!! kenot bath :/

Sigh, have to wait for one hour.

Last night went to novena square to change my bus ticket back during cny. Initially my ticket was scheduled at 7pm but i've been asking around and heard there might be a chance of traffic jam. I have to be in the airport at about 6 something the next morning so having the idea of traffic jam which makes me miss my flight gets me paranoid. So yesterday morning i went online to check for any available ticket for the earlier schedule. And i found one! i thought it'd be sold out by this time. Call it lucky? heh. I called, and really, took quite awhile for them to pick up my call, and you can imagine how anxious i was. haha. Yeap everything went smoothly so last night i went to collect my ticket. woohoo. Skip class then skip class la, rather than taking the risk.

This semester will be a very sciencey semester for me. All my lectures are in the science faculty, unlike last sem where i had to rush from science to arts or science to biz. There's anxiety on and off, be it studies or daily stuff i.e why certain people get along so well with others but i don't seem to be able to open up. Nonetheless, i am thanking God for the things i have.

I have all kinds of lecturers, you name it, i've got it. First chem lecturer who is really particular about being SILENT during lecture. When there's abit of noise (someone talking), she'll stop, (yes it's a she!) scanned around the lecture hall "the gentleman in blue are you ready" This will happens 3 or 4 times throughout the lecture so when she paused, we know that we have to shut our mouth.

The second chem lecturer reminds me of T-bag. ( you'll know who i'm talking if you watch prison break) Bad accent. Always face this problem with foreign lecturer eh. Hope i'll get used to it, i still have no idea what his class is about -.-

Taking 2 stats modules this sem. The lecturer for my stats core module is having a terrible sore throat, i feel like giving her a 'pei pa gou'. Every 2 sentences she'll clear her throat. Aiks i feel her pain. Kesian her. The other stats teacher is pretty normal. Hahah. Just abit too enthusiastic at times.

My freshman seminar already has 2 assignments :(( one of it is an individual essay. i really dread the essay. mommmmmmmy~~

Anyways i have to trust Him for my studies. In His plans there's no mistake.

Last note, be open minded!

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