Thursday, April 28, 2011


Just came back from a jog with pei yi.


Woah, first time running with pei yi and she keeps moving, she don't stop wan!!

Well, jogging behind her abit pressured, cuz i do not want to stop and slow her down.

Talking about peer pressure. haha.

However, it is a good thing also lar, cuz my style is jog, then walk up the slope, then continue jogging.

In a way, by running with her, i get to push myself abit more.

There were a few times i feel like stopping.

But then..

"crap, just suck it up and continue!"

Finally, after the hospital i cannot tahan dy, start walking.

idoncareanymore. i don't want to 打肿脸皮充胖子 and collapse somewhere.

I am amazed by my ability man!

:'D (sweat drop on my face)

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