Monday, May 23, 2011

Mother knows best

Well, what can i say, the boredom is kicking in.

But hey, i'm not complaining.

One thing i'm glad is i have decided not to work.

I guess i'll missed out alot of things if i decided to work.

So, it's a correct decision!

I have this phobia with decisions, seems like everytime i make a decision, it turns out the other one is better. e.g, choosing something from the menu. haha. of all examples. my food always didn't turn out as great as my friend's. hahas.

Talking about foooood. Had the heavenly ramly ystdy. The sauce, the beef patty, the cucumber... everything! was perfect. ahhh.

Btw, it has become my habit to go for the ramly at the rest stop the bus stops at whenever i travel back from singapore to malaysia. I can only say ramly did a great job in welcoming me back to the malaysia land.

Watched Rio just now but i preferred Tangled, hence the title of this post. haha.

Played for senior citizens this morning, thank God it turned out better than last week. phew.

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