Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Counting down

Am counting down to the end of the semester! Woohoo! But as usual, my papers are scheduled later than the rest. While people are having their final paper on Saturday, I am just having my second paper. But it is okay, I shall not complain, I need the time to study. One week is not that far away :D

Had my FIRST paper today, felt jittery, as usual. I didn't want to eat breakfast cuz I was worried I might throw up. Yes, very much nervous. But it was all before the exam, the crowded bus ride and the wait outside the exam hall. All the way I felt butterflies in my stomach. The wait outside the exam hall was the worst. Imagine a few hundred students waiting outside the limited space outside the exam hall. Not just hot but crowded. Did not help to relieve the nervousness at all. The paper was okay I guess. Hopefully what I had churned out will be sufficient.

What made my day was the group project! A-! Okay, but I have to say, all credits go to the guy who painfully (who likes writing a 10 pages essay?) wrote and analysed the topic and produced the whole essay. So, it was not really a group project, more of like his project, whereas the rest of us prepared the minor things such as cover page (haha!) and some supporting documents. But, I am just glad and thankful that the project grade was more than what I hoped for. I struggled back then, whether is was the correct way to do, to just let him do most of the things. Conscience said no, but reality (reports waiting for me) forced me to just let it be how he wanted it to be. Perhaps this was the better way to go about. And, he offered to write it on his own... When the tutor congratulated us for doing well, we felt slightly uneasy, or at least for myself. Because deep down, we all know that it was really the guy's effort and this could make a difference in our grade. I can never ever produce anything like that. Me no arts student, kenot write well. So, thank you!

Suffering from post exam syndrome: Reluctance to start revising for the next paper.

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