Thursday, June 23, 2011


So what were I up to for the past few weeks, masterchef australia season 2 did a good job accompanying me during the hot afternoons at home.
How did it started, as in me and MC, started back in church camp. Surprisingly, the tv in our room has starworld :D Not having starworld back at home, most of my free time is spent watching starworld. yea yea i know, supposed to be a camp and here i am, watching tv. It so happened that MC australia was showed quite frequently. I dunno why, everytime i turned on the tv, 70% of the time there will be MC. I think it was kind of a marathon, showing all the episodes throughout the week during the weekend. So it's a good thing! :D

Now, thanks to youtube, the MC fever continues. While i searched for the picture above, i ter-saw the winner for the season..... nooooooooooooooo. argh, spoiler. Now i have to pretend that i did not spot anything.

It's a nice show to watch, getting to catch the aussie accent, learn some new things about food (like what's basil, fennel, veal..) and yes, it did managed to trigger a teenie weenie interest in me to cook. But i deem that won't last too long. haha.

You know you get a little too much of something/someone when you start seeing it/them in your dreams. And yes, there was one night i was dreaming about MC. I still remember specifically i dreamt about this chef - Heston Blumenthal. I was mumbling his name in my sleep, then i woke up -.- But i would not say i'm obsessed with it. Must be me watching it before i hit the sack. Yea, must be, disturbing my good night rest.

Met up with a couple of my form 6 mates. All i can say is i miss the good old days :)
When i have a hard time deciding which cake to eat, sticking to new york cheese will never go wrong. haha.

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