Friday, August 5, 2011

And another camp!

Off to YA camp tomorrow! I am bad with packing. I think I took a good 2 hours to pack! haha. Purposely went to buy mask today. Apparently, there will be a girly bonding session in the camp and I received a sms from clara saying my group is the nail polish-mask-cornflake-icecream session. This is so not me! hahah.

Hence, the mask I bought. I bought a tube one, quite expensive if you convert to ringgit but I thought might as well buy a one that suits me and can be use in the future instead of those 2 dollars packet mask. Actually it was quite a hurry cuz it slipped from my mind and it only came across my mind at the very last minute. So I quickly went to guardian and scanned through everything that has a 'mask' word on it. At first, I thought a beauty advisor would help to save time. Wrong, totally wrong! That lady kept on promoting her product and when I asked about the price - 60dollars.


After 15 minutes of hunting, I spotted a pore cleansing one, okay finally what I wanted, grabbed it, pay! I was slightly stressed cuz I have a friend waiting and I was really paiseh to keep her waiting although I know she would not mind that much.

SO, I got what I needed and now, a good night rest and to prepare my heart for camp!

On the side note, Singaporeans just love acronyms.
1. ikr
What is IKR??

I know rightttttttt.

2. ttm
":(((((((( ttm...."
What is TTM?

To the maxxxxxx.

I have to google 'ikr meaning' and 'ttm meaning' to find out -.- But this is interesting and I believe there are more for me to discover. haha.


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