Sunday, July 31, 2011

I want to be a koala

Guess who designed this? :p Okay, it is not awesome and I am sure anyone on the street can come out with a cooler design than this. But I am glad it is done now. Could not upload the back print of the design though. Anyway, it is just a map of the location and some directions. Honestly, I am not thoroughly happy with what I came out, as you can see some parts are senget and the fonts could be way better but it is the effort that counts rite. You know what is the most tedious part? The colouring. Blame myself for not being IT savvy. No doubt if I use photoshop, this can be finished in half an hour. I still feel awkward seeing this design projected out during church service. Feeling paiseh.

Yay to my first design! I hope the design DO get people coming! cuz I am worried it is going to turn out otherwise!

On the side note, I bought my UNIQLO jacket, red. I am relying on it to keep me warm during lectures, in libraries and in exam hall! :)

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