Monday, November 14, 2011

Itchy fingers

Hehehe, deluxe maru. I feel like pinching his (her?) double chin.

Yes, my fingers are itching... i.... want.... to.... buy....

a.... g.. u.. i.. t.. a.. r......... yes?

Anyway, i need to think like an economist for the coming few days to comprehend the wonders of economics before saturday, micro and macro :/ But it is not that horrible, just that staring at it too long makes me a bit bleh.

I got back my essay for my SP1202. It is the language part that pulled me down. Only scored half of it.. I guess there are always areas where i need to put in that extra effort and time compared to other people. I am quite amazed how did i get the courage to take up this module. I think people without the flair for writing would stay as far as possible from this module. But it is okay, i just need to be extra careful on friday and spend more time reading through for mistakes. I hope i can get an average grade for this, please be more kind to me. fingers-crossed ><

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