Wednesday, December 21, 2011


After 2 or 3 weeks being back, yesterday was the first time meeting up with friends. Everytime I come back home, the friends around are getting lesser, plus local uni has no holidays now, so that makes friends that are around even lesser. The closer ones are all gone now. I was at Papa Rich last week with my dad and for one moment, it brought back memories of me and WN hanging around there. Going out together used to be so easy, one sms and after 15 minutes her car will be waiting outside my house and there we go. Oh well, things have changed.

Initially, I only planned to meet with SK, but sms-ed with YS the night before and I asked him to join along. The most bizarre thing that happened that day: I was sms-ing CY while I was on my way to mv talking about meeting up the next day. After a few text messages, our conversation ended. Then, I was at mv, strolling around, waiting for SK and YS to arrive. I was at vincci when SK called, I picked up the call and walked out the store. Guessed who I saw, CY! I smacked him on his back and when he turned around, he was shocked for a second and after that keep asking me why you here why you here -.- haha. While all these happened I was still directing SK on the phone. hahaha. After the 4 of us gathered, I jokingly said there will be more friends that we will meet later. And true enough, while we were having snowflake, we saw TK and denise! Denise was saying she just bought monolopy deal, which, CY was saying before this he forgot to bring his one!

As for today, met up with CY again, yesterday's one was unintentional, today's one is the real one. haha. SJ joined us during his lunch break. From tmn megah we switched to tropicana city mall and we had a full 6 solid hours of catching up! The only remaining members of liulang. 唉~

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