Friday, January 6, 2012


It has been a year plus, but goodbyes are always the hardest. Yup, I am back in Singapore. Term is going to start next monday. Have been feeling sickish for the past one week, ever since I came back from camp. Flu is gone, but is suffering from sore throat now. However, it is getting better, though am not in the best condition to start a new semester. Feeling a little scared right now and the feeling of having another semester have not sunk in yet. I just need some time to get used to it and psycho myself to study harder everyday.

I guess I will have to sleep without pillow, blanket and bedsheet tonight since my clustermate is not back yet (I think. She is currently uncontactable) and I stored my stuff in her room. Let's hope she will be back asap! Hopefully tomorrow? Please give me good night sleep. Thanks.

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