Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back in Singapore

Hello so holidays in Malaysia has already ended. Aih. But this morning I woke up and I was on my bed and I realised it was quite a fruitful one:

1. Catching up with friends - I think on average I was out at least once a week. Haha. Money keep flowing out but thankful for older sister who is old enough to provide for some pocket money :p The place I have been to the most is Paradigm Mall, cuz that's the best compromise for pj people and people from puchong/other far places. I think I am in the phase where fb news feed will be full of graduation pics, mostly the uk graduates. Maybe after 5 years, it will be pictures of people getting married haha.

2. Movies - Watched 3 movies (Brave, Spidey and Batman) and now I can proudly say I had watched all the recent blockbusters. Tried watching the dark knight on my way back to sg today so it made me so emo, too dark already, plus I couldn't really hear what was being said in the movie so I was guessing the storyline most of the time. I think I watched three quarter of the movie but did not finish it cuz... didn't feel like it.

3. Food - Well, didn't have the must-have bkt but it's alright cuz I had hometown steamboat last night! Salivating while thinking of the tom yam based soup. Didn't have cravings for bkt anyway so save it for next round.

4. Guitar - Actually it has got a name - Merry. Think LOTR. Remember? Merry and Pippin? Yea, so Pippin is Prarthi's guitar. lol. Well, the basic techiniques yes, but to get further I might need a guru.

5. Internship - Another decision to be made and after much soul searching, finally convinced myself on one of the company. CV and letter waiting for momo to proof read and get back to me. Just emailed my prof to be my reference. Honestly, I hope she will not say no cuz I cannot think of another prof to be my reference. Never know right, maybe I did not leave a good impression (Oh noooo).
*Went to check email*
 Prof replied!! She said YES! Phew.
Went shopping the day before coming back - formal tops and casual shoes. Gosh shoes are hard to find. Walked into almost all the shops that sell shoes and cannot find a pair that I like. It's either pretty design but not nice to wear or nice to wear but not so pretty design. But finally shoe hunting for several hours finally found a pair that is nice and comfy. Took me a good 15 minutes (or more?) to decide between 2 pairs of shoes -.-

6. Books - Ah managed to FINISH reading two books. Feel so accomplished cuz it's been awhile since I read books. Not just reading it, but actually finishing it. So yea now you know why I emphasize on the word finish. First book is The Hole in Our Gospel. I think everyone should read it. Yes, you. I think it reveals to us another side of the world's top problem and how we are gradually getting apathetic towards these issues. Third world problem v.s First world problem. Second book is Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archers. This was kinda my "homework" cuz every night, almost, my sister will ask "Have you finish reading the book?" "No?? Why so slow? What have you been doing??" Although there are parts that I don't understand eg American history, banking stuff.. but it was an interesting book, after reading the book, I have the feeling that I have aged by 60 years after going through the lives of the characters from birth to death.

7. Haircut - So I have fringe now but I think it's getting thicker day by day and sometimes messy. But it's a good change , can cover some surface area of my face. The change is not obvious though, because there is another more obvious thing - my specs! Haha. It's a dark purple geeky specs. I tried to decide on other colours cuz I have quite a number of purple stuff and people keep asking me whether I like purple and no I have no particular liking in purple stuff but the purple one looked best so yea, one more purple stuff on me 8)

I realized the long posts that I write is always the day when I come back to Singapore and the rest in the semester will be short ones. Many things done and many things in store in the semester ahead. Mixtures of feeling, sometimes I feel yay but sometimes ughh. Okie time to settle down.

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