Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hide-in-my-room day

I met this Vietnamese girl staying at the same floor as me last night, had a pretty good chat with her. She is very easy going and open. Most probably it is due to the fact that she used to stay in hall but got kicked out. Haha. Ok that's not the main point. I met her today coincidentally at the canteen during dinner time and she sat with me. We started off with casual talks and asked how was your day and things like that. I very smart, I asked what is she going to do tomorrow. Why? Cuz tomorrow is Sunday! And when she asked me back the same question, I told her I will be going to church :) What a good way to tell people you are a Christian. But just to clarify, I didn't ask that question having that intention in mind, it just popped out in my mind. Her name is Thuy (pronounced 'Twee-'). After she knew I am a Christian, she asked me what is the difference between Catholics and Christians and Jews. (stunt for a moment) I never expect this to come. Fine, I had people who asked me difference between Catholics and Christians, but Jews? No! But I TRIED to explain. I didn't even know what I said made any sense but I think she seemed to understand what I am trying to say. *phew* I is ashamed that I didn't have a prepared answer for her. SO, the first thing  when I came back my room is to check the difference between Jews and Christians. Must do a bit of homework, in case anyone ask me again. By that time, I hope I have a better answer for them. Haha.

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