Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First things first

Came back from fellowship teaching, realising that I forgot to put my can of tuna back into the fridge this morning. Am forced to throw the remaining half of it away. But it is okay, cuz that can of tuna is the extra one I kept since vcf welcome tea. hehe. If not heart pain ler.

Mini group presentation at 10am, have to go early at 9am to discuss.
Econs lecture at 2pm. Macro is harder to grasp btw.
Test at 2.30pm.
Following that, mini freedom :D

By tonight,
Revise my article draft and submit it.
Submit my new media presentation (done. sound quality like crap but don't care. haha. such ignorance. tsk tsk)
Finish the remaining few lecture slides for the test tomorrow.
Read through lab reports for test as well.
Keep myself awake!

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