Tuesday, October 18, 2011


No bible study during cg today :D haha. Prarthi didn't make it back in time to conduct the BS so we chilled and bonded. Lastly, we paired up and prayed for one another. It is my first time pairing with Priscilla, a year 3 architecture student. We managed to share quite a bit before praying. It is really inspiring to listen to her and comforting to know there are people out there who share the same struggle. I think she is the kind of person you would not mind sharing more with her. Maybe it is because she is a CGL for her youths in church. That why she displays this very encouraging and sincere personality.
Anyway, thanks for praying for me :) It did warmed my heart hearing someone praying so fervently for me. But when she said God can do the impossible, somehow there is this tinge of doubt within me. Maybe i'm try not to keep my hopes too high, so i choose not to commit to God the impossible stuff, in case i get disappointed in the end. Whether it is impossible or not, may Your will be done.

And Priscilla shared this statement: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him - John Piper

The relationship, the satisfaction that you find when you seek Him.
I have yet to comprehend the gist of it but i think i kind of grasp the meaning behind it. I'm hoping this will be a guide to redirect back my heart. True satisfaction.

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