Thursday, October 6, 2011


Went out with Pam and Kar Hui for lunch today. Pam has this food guide which has a whole list of awesome food in Singapore.

But actually, even if it is awesome, I bet that it would not be more awesome than Malaysia food.
muahaha :D

We planned to go to Ayer Rajah Food Centre but turned out we went to the wrong Ayer Rajah Food Centre. We took bus, walked according to GPS but ended up in the wrong place. Both food centre have the same name but are quite far apart :/ In the end we cab there
cuz we were too lazy to figure out how to get there from where we were :D muahaha.

And so, the stuff that we had:
1. Sup kambing with bread. Not bad, reminds me of khalifah's sup kambing. hmmm. But could be better, not syiok enough :D but satisfying for my side. The other two think that it's so-so.

2. Cuttlefish kangkung
Very soft cuttlefish. hmmm.

3. Teh Tarik and Teh Halia

4. The champion of the day, presenting to you - TULANG!
Seriously, the name of this is tulang. hahah. tulang kambing. Be ready to get messy and dirty.
And Pam taught us how to suck the marrow out, using a straw. Oh, they did not provide us with the straw, we used the the teh tarik straw. haha! Actually the texture of the marrow is quite gross, tasted like fats. But it was fun sucking. hehe.

Me trying very hard to suck it out.
No, actually I was just posing.

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