Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Breathing with my mouth now.. sigh. nose block. To make it more terrible, both nostrils are blocked. So I cannot speak long sentences, if not I will find myself gasping for air. And my fan is getting noisier (stress). To the point that I woke up in the night and off it. Imagine me! Switching off a fan! You know how I can't stand heat. But actually not too bad, cuz at night quite cooling and I normally sleep with the lowest fan speed. Well, the technician said, need to wait til early feb for them to change a new fan. In the meanwhile they will provide a standing fan. Better than nothing. I hope their early feb is 1st of feb since today is 31st jan, so means tomorrow! Haha. I guess I will stay outside as much as possible to avoid the irritating fan. rawr!

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