Sunday, January 15, 2012


Today marks the end of week 1 and start of week 2. So far so good. My first arts module - South East Asia: A Changing Region is not as bad as I thought it would be. The lecturers and tutors are quite fun, never encounter such spontaneous lecturers before. While browsing through the schedules for the lectures and tutorials for the semester, the lecturer said something like this:"On the 12 April I have a party going on in my house so I will probably get drunk and will not be able to make it for lecture the next day, so Gerard (the co-lecturer) can take over that lecture." Hahah. And Gerard likes beer. I am getting some very interesting lecturers. This may not be the easiest module for a science student to read, not to mention my english is way far from the benchmark. The readings really take up a lot of my time so I am trying to read as much as possible before I get busy. Most of the time I need to re-read the passage to get a better insight what is the whole idea of the passage is about. But, as long it is an interesting module and I get to learn lots and lots of stuff then I am satisfied.

I was thinking about stuff, about my umaiya lunch that I had during new year. And I knew I made the correct decision when I decided to postpone the buffet lunch to accompany my relatives. During that point of time, I knew the right decision that I needed to make- which is to forgo the lunch. But being an absolute stubborn person, I really wanted to go for the lunch cuz I have been looking forward for so long. And there might not be another opportunity anytime soon. Sometimes, I know the correct decision to make or do, just that my heart is unwilling. But I talked myself through and forgo the lunch. I guess it was worth it, seeing my relatives happy with all their shopping, though it was really exhausting makes me happy too. What are the chances that we can bring them out? Umaiya will ALWAYS be there and there will be a second chance, just the matter of time. And true enough, though on the waiting list, but in the end we get to go during new year day! This is the win-win situation that I did not expect. And we get to go as a family. If we went during the first time, dad would not make it. So yea, that makes things even better. I guess that was the best thing that happened during the one month when I was back home.

Will be heading back this thursday for cny, not knowing when is the next time I will get to go back after this time. Might not be going back during recess week. And this will be the first time if it really happens. Plus I might have to do special term after this semester so I need to be here for one and a half month more. But I will still get to go back after that, just that I need to wait longer. Many uncertainties but I trust that God will provide me with a win-win situation.

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