Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Not wanting to grow up

By the way, while I was having an early dinner just now, the childhood memory of mom walking me to 心算 just flashed through my mind. You know, these memories just make you feel nostalgic. Those days, that can never come back again.

masak-masak using leaves as rice.
making up random customers during masak-masak and talks to them.
dad buying 爱玉冰 from ss2 pasar malam while me stays at home.
secretly take 1 ringgit from mom's purse to buy snacks from 明康.
me wanting to skip 心算 class because i have a lot of things to do and mom persuaded me to go, reasoned out the a lot of things to do is actually not urgent.
McD's playground.
sendiri slide down from the slide, turns, tried to climb back up while shouting "HELP ME!!"


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