Thursday, July 21, 2011

Post camp

Camp was energy draining! But in a positive way :) I really thank God for a bunch of super enthusiastic group members. This makes being an OGL (orientation group leader) less stressful.

This is my first time volunteering as an OGL. Although i could have prepared and done more (was pretty busy the few days before camp so i didn't really read up the devotion materials and do some mental preparation. Please don't learn from me), but overall the experience was great!

I only met my co-leader, Charmaine on the first day itself. She is definitely better in socialising than i do. So, she is always the one filling in the silent gaps during group time. For me, I prefer one-to-one talk instead of group talk. I just feel more comfortable in that way. Oh yea, we called her Princess Jasmine - the one in Aladdin. Could be the eyes of hers, really exotic middle-east-ish eyes.

I realise our group did not face any trouble about members being shy. I even think that I am the most shy among them all! -.- apa OGL ini. Alright, when it comes to preparing a skit or presentation, I am not that kind of person who has lots of creative juices flowing out. The skit, the bonding games on the first day, the heart-to-heart-talk (HTHT) questions and topics were all contributed by my members!

On a personal note, i think my heart feels for those who are the quieter ones in the group. Maybe I am like that too? hehe. There was this petite freshman guy Clement who was really quiet. FYI, he is only 40kg, imagine that. I wonder how he survived through army. I was afraid that he felt out of place in our group, especially when everyone was so responsive. But as the days passed, I can see him open up more and more. He even shared his life-changing experience with us - how a hardcore gamer transformed into a guy who totally overcame that addiction, something which I am very happy to hear about.

Though sometimes there are moments where I could not really understand the things they were talking about, such as Singapore issues, which obviously I do not know a single thing about. But it was interesting also to listen to their experience, especially army :)

Hoping for a good day ahead! Meeting Stephanie later to seek advise. Please please please make it a fruitful one.

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