Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sometimes we do silly stuff

I spent 6.60 dollars on correction tape. I cannot believe it!!! This can buy me 3 meals!
Correction tape with casing + refill.
But I bought the refill first -__-
The thing is, Prarthi and I both bought refills instead of the correction tape itself!

What happened is I went to buy correction tape for tomorrow's writing paper since it would be easier to do any correction and I met Prarthi at the mart. She went there to get her correction tape too. So, we got our stuff and went back our rooms.
I was opening the wrapping for the correction tape that i bought and was a bit puzzled about the structure of the tape.. seems like something is missing.. At the moment when I think I knew what was missing, Prarthi texted me "Did you buy the same correction tape as me?"
"Yes and I think it's a refill!"
I just bought a correction tape without its casing!

Now I have plenty of correction tape :D
Better make good use of it tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Itchy fingers

Hehehe, deluxe maru. I feel like pinching his (her?) double chin.

Yes, my fingers are itching... i.... want.... to.... buy....

a.... g.. u.. i.. t.. a.. r......... yes?

Anyway, i need to think like an economist for the coming few days to comprehend the wonders of economics before saturday, micro and macro :/ But it is not that horrible, just that staring at it too long makes me a bit bleh.

I got back my essay for my SP1202. It is the language part that pulled me down. Only scored half of it.. I guess there are always areas where i need to put in that extra effort and time compared to other people. I am quite amazed how did i get the courage to take up this module. I think people without the flair for writing would stay as far as possible from this module. But it is okay, i just need to be extra careful on friday and spend more time reading through for mistakes. I hope i can get an average grade for this, please be more kind to me. fingers-crossed ><

Monday, November 7, 2011

I hope this cup of coffee sustains me. I went for interhall fellowship teaching. It was great! How i wish my mind could freeze everything the speaker said and play it over again and again.

Test on wednesday! By God's grace, i hope i can nail this!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Final lap

I wanted to write this for quite some time ago but couldn't find the time, not that I'm busy, more like lazy. haha. Anyway, here is what happened.

Somewhere during last week, after class I went to the canteen to have lunch. I was on my own and was happy when I found a table. I sat down, 'chop' that table and went to get my food. I got my food, happily sat down and started eating. It is when you are on your own, the light, the fan, the guy at the next table or the two girls walking past seemed to interest you. While I was eating halfway, this guy approached and asked whether there's anyone sitting with me (it was lunch hour so seats are hard to find). I said no and he sat. First thing I noticed, he sat down and prayed for the food and he prayed for quite a long time. He eats his food while i eat mine. Awkward silence. This is the moment where your inner struggles rise. To strike a conversation or just quickly eat and go! Finally, I couldn't stand the silence. "Hi, I'm teresa. Are you from science?" I could not think of any better topic to start with. It turned out he's pretty easy going, very interesting person to talk to. He stays in PGP too! I'm in block 1 and he's in block 3! Such a coincidence.

The conversation ended after our meals and we departed to our separated ways. Didn't know that talking to random people can be so interesting and exciting!

On the side note, I have been passing by this catholic students society notice board everytime I have 2161 lecture but I never notice what's on the board. Until that day I read this and I find it meaningful:

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr