Saturday, February 16, 2013

Twas a good day

Sometimes it is just great listening to people talk and discuss. I was at CG and we looked into Hebrews 2. Throughout the BS I did not say anything (as usual :P), partly due to the tiredness. Towards to the end we, or rather, they started to steered towards a debate and it was interesting to listen to the discussion and to follow the train of thought. There were moments of epiphany that momentarily took away my exhaustion. 

Then, we broke up into pairs to share a bit and prayed. My partner was Jerusha and we shared and she started praying first. While she was praying, I began to mentally note down the prayer pointers for her. When it was my turn, all the prayer pointers just vanished and I was fumbling for the correct words to say and the sentences just didn't flow well. There had been times where I felt the same way and after Amen I thought "Man.. that was an awful prayer.." (but God knows what is in my heart ;)) But when I opened my eyes, Jerusha looked at me and said "Teresa, I loved your prayer!" "Whattttttt?

She said I have the gift of interceding through prayer, or something like this. Apparently she felt the same way several times.. So, my 'awful' prayer became someone's answered prayer.